TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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Transcendence and Revelation: From Phenomenology to Theology
The present text aims to analyze the concept of transcendence, discussing the self-transcendence movement, natural to man, the limit itself, beyond which transcendence can be discussed, and the phenomena of the mystery, through which transcendence manifests. Since transcendence does not escape the suspicion that the self-transcendent movement postulates, according to its own wishes, reaching what Kant called “transcendental appearance,” the text tries to describe the possible phenomenon of the maximum manifestation of transcendence in this world: how would a manifestation of transcendence look? The answer involves the Revelation, that is, the intent of transcendence itself to be donated, the presence of paradox, and the solution of mediation between transcendence and immanence through transcendence itself. Each of these possible solutions has examples in Orthodox theology.