TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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Cultural Societies and Cooperative Activities in the Bârgău County During the Interwar
The intellectuals of Nasaud and Bistrita in the upper basin of Someşul Mare, in the valleys of Rodna, Bârgău and Şieu, were primarily teachers, priests, lawyers, doctors, officials, but also many country- men with practical life experience and wisdom. They used to meet on various occasions to debate the ideas from the political programs of national emancipation, with the specific objective: to raise the whole Romanian people from Transylvania to the dignity of an equal political nation in rights with the other political nations in Transylvania, Hungarians, Szeklers and Saxons, and not toler- ated only in their own country. Cultural societies, meetings and gatherings, reading houses, during the Austro-Hungarian rule, were centers of education and crystallization of national consciousness. The study analyzes the activity of cultural societies and cooperative meetings in Bârgău county during the interwar period.