TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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History of Dacoromanian literature by Mihail Diaconescu, in a new edition

Ioan St. Lazăr, History of Dacoromanian literature by Mihail Diaconescu, in a new edition
This article represents a review of the volume History of Dacoromanian literature, signed by Professor Mihail Diaconescu. The fundamental idea of the book is that we have a Dacoromanian literature that we need to assume, according to the literary critic Gabriel Ţepelea, who said: “It is therefore necessary a resetting of the Romanian culture on other dimensions by including the Latin writings of Dacian authors, as well as those of foreign tribes who have carried out their activity in Scythia Minor (Dobrogea) in latin, as other literary histories do in the West.” Mihail Diaconescu is the first to create a complex view of the literature in the Dacoroman period, whilst also highlighting “theological and philosophical contributions” worthy of being regarded as “Sources of Romanian philosophy”.

Keywords: Dacoroman literature, Mihail Diaconescu, Scythia Minor, Dionysius Exiguus